How to Dress Professionally at Work.

Dress code based on T.P.O (time, place, and occasion) is very important, especially when you start to enter the business world.

The Importance of Film Soundtracks

Music plays an important role in movies, evoking a range of different emotions and conveying their central messages.

Korean Billiards Culture

Billiards can easily be one the most exciting leisure sports for everyone to enjoy no matter gender, age or career.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Long Distance Relationships

A long distance relationship is an intimate relationship in which the partners are separated by a considerable distance. There are three types of long distance relationship. The first is the international relationship. This is when the partners’ countries of origin ore different. The second is a relationship between two people who live in the same country. The third is when both are from the same country but one person is away in another country.

These types of relationships are very risky and difficult. Because when partners want to meet up, they can't. Their only options are talking by phone and using Skype. Also when one person deceives the other, it is more difficult for his or her partner to discover the lie.

The expression, “Out of sight, Out of mind" applies to couples who don't love each other very much. When two people really love each other, they might say, "Out of sight but still in mind" and this makes for an ardent love. Whatever the case, if we want long distance relationships to last, we need to put in lots of effort.

First, it's important to maintain the emotional connection. Tell each other where you are, what you do each day and how you feel.

When your partner contacts you, reply as promptly as you can. If your partner does not reply, wait patiently and understand that your partner may be busy at that moment. Don't doubt each other. Trust is a prerequisite in loving relationships.

Tell your partner daily that you love him or her. Remind your partner that he or she is the best thing that has happened to you. Distance can sometimes make you question each other's feelings, so make sure your partner hears this every day.

Make plans to see each other again before you part. It makes the separations much easier if you know when you will be together again.

Fifth, celebrate anniversaries. Even though your bodies are not together you should not forget each other's anniversaries. You can send and use Skype, and these will bring happiness on those days.

Follow these five tips and your love can last. I wish you all lasting love.

Freelance writer  Heo Heejin.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Woosong University Celebrates its 60th Anniversary

This past year, Woosong University celebrated its 60th anniversary. Since the founding of its original small campus in 1955, the university has established its unique history and traditions and gone on to become a global leader in higher education. The University was recently designated "Higher Education Specialization University" by the Accreditation Board for Higher Education. In celebration, Woosong held a variety of events for its birthday. Among the festivities were the proclamation ceremony for Woosong’s 100-year goals, the 60th anniversary Sol Concert, and the festival of multicultural families.

With the proclamation ceremony of September 22nd, a two-day athletic event was held. After President John E. Endicott addressed the crowd to celebrate the 60th anniversary and pronounce the university’s 100-year goals, Woosong freshmen participated in fun sporting events right after releasing dozens of celebratory balloons from the stage. Wearing tee shirts emblazoned with the names of their respective departments, they ran eagerly in relay races, and played dodge ball, soccer, basketball and foot volleyball. These events were followed by a fierce tug-of-war. Onlookers screamed and jumped to cheer for their teams. The Railway Vehicle System Engineering and Beauty Design Departments won the overall championship. In second place came the Culinary Arts Department.

Nam Seong Hyun, a student of the Railway Vehicle System Engineering Department echoed the sentiments of classmates saying, "It was a joyful experience to play together with our classmates."

The 60th anniversary festival was held on September 24th and 25th. Expectations about the festival were high because popular singers were coming to perform. Apink and Seo In Guk visited Woosong University for the anniversary on the 24th. On the 25th, IU, ZE;A, Sweet Sorrow, Heo Gak, Vos, and the Kim Jang Hoon band took the stage to perform and celebrate. Additionally, the Woosong festival had various games and activities like a casino with blackjack for all ages, and food of all kinds and a variety of products were sold. The Department of Hotel and Tourism Management’s Food and Beverage club sold cocktails and food. The Department of Food Service Management opened the events by dropping water balloons from overhead, under the clear autumn sky.

Yoo Sol Jae of Eventino Club said, "I felt good because I could participate in this festival. It was good to experience being a casino dealer. The University festival was amazing to have set up so many booths; this was not like any high school festival. It was good to show off the characteristics of our department. I hope to participate in future festivals."

The Woosong festival entertainment began at 6 o’clock with a talent show and audition of students from 15 teams. The competitors got the chance to demonstrate the dance and song skills they had been polishing in the past weeks. The dance performance of Chinese students in Korea won the first prize. They received a fervent applause for their powerful performance. The Sol concert was held on 25th. President Endicott addressed the crowd to celebrate the 60th anniversary and Global 100 year goals. Huge crowds turned out to see the famous singers at Woosong.

The festival of multicultural families was held on the 1st of October. This is the 60th anniversary wedding festival for love and spirit of multicultural families. It meant that our traditional wedding ceremony and our uniqueness and cultural art was shared by 16 different couples.

The staff of the Woosong Herald would like to thank everyone who organized and participated in the celebrations. May we enjoy many more such festivals in the years to come.

Staff writers  Yun Su-In and others.

The Cafe as a Public Space

The countless cafes near Woosong University show that there is a huge demand for cafes. In recent years, cafes have become important public places that are integral to the lives of modern people. How many college students go to cafes and what are their reasons for going?

Nowadays, coffee is more popular than ever. Anyone who wants to can visit a coffee shop and coffee shops are public spaces where everyone with enough money to buy a cup of coffee is welcome. People visit coffee shops for many different reasons. Some go to study, others go to chat with their friends and some people just want a rest from their busy lives. Also, there are many different kinds of coffee shop these days.

Close to Woosong, there are a number of takeaway coffee shops. The majority of student coffee shop customers actually go to these takeaway coffee shops. Students like to buy coffee from these shops to stay awake during their long hours of study or job seeking. The problem for the coffee shops is that there are few student customers during the vacation times.

But the cafe has also transformed into a public space that the public’s diverse needs. What are the public needs that are met by all of these coffee shops?

I investigated the frequency and reasons people visit coffee shops. Please click the pie chart below.

89% of respondents (111 people) answered that they go to one or more coffee shops each month and 51% of respondents (64 people) reached said they visit a coffee shop twice or more each week. 65% of respondents (72 people) said that their main reason for visiting coffee shops was to chat with friends. Only 22% of respondents (24 people) answered that they visit coffee shops to drink coffee.

In the end, the key for coffee shops to stay in business is to understand and meet the needs of their customers.

Staff writer (Alicia) Yun Yeo-hui.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Korean billiards culture

Billiards can easily be one the most exciting leisure sports for everyone to enjoy no matter gender, age or career. This fact attracted Koreans to billiards, especially after Japanese Colonial era as Korea entered modern society. Since then it wasn't hard to find people are playing billiards throughout the peninsula.
Some Koreans have a negative stereotype billiards. They associate its image with that of gangs, smoking, eating black noodles, etc. Korean movies set this stereotype in the Korean’s mind. But, actually billiards can be a very well-mannered game and a game for upper class citizens. We can find this through official billiards games. They wear formal clothes during the game and keep good manners while playing.
Billiards has several categories. The Korean Billiards Federation categorized the billiards as “three-cushion, one-cushion, pocket eight-balls, nine-balls, ten-balls, English billiards, and snooker.”
But there is one that that sets Korean billiards apart from other countries’ billiards. That is, we have a four-cushion category in billiards. Four-cushion started 1970’s when billiards culture really took hold in Korea. However, four-cushion is considered an unofficial event because it’s only in Korea. Moreover, Korean people enjoy playing with three-cushion and four-cushion.
How to play?
Four-cushion billiards has one white ball (the player’s ball) and 2 red balls. Using a pool cue, the player’s ball is aimed at the two red balls. If the white ball hits both red balls, 10 points are awarded. If it hits only one red ball, no points are earned.

In three-cushion billiards there is a white ball, red ball, and yellow ball. The first player gets a white ball, and the other player gets a yellow ball. The player must use their ball to hit the other player’s ball as well as a cushion before hitting the red ball.
Ji-in Choi, a three-cushion expert for 6 years, addressed the attractiveness of three-cushion. “This game had a bad image before. But now, it is one of the fastest growing sports. In addition, the number of student players is increasing. Billiards is, to say the least, profound because it requires a lot of practice before a player can call themselves an expert.”
 Geon-moo Lee, a four-cushion expert for 7 years, also addressed the allure of four-cushion. “This sports wasn't popular before because people have a bad image about billiards. Now, people thinking are better about it than before, but there still remains negative image. It gets gradually more fun as you practice. And another benefit is that it only requires two people to enjoy the sports. Also it can be played doors!”
 If you want to enjoy the billiards, you just go to billiard hall. Nowadays, the billiard halls are everywhere in Korea so you can find them easily. On average, the price to play the billiards is 1000 won for 10 minutes. This weekend, why don’t you go to a billiard hall with your friends?

Staff writer Yun Ji Seon.

The Importance of Film Soundtracks

Over the Rainbow,” “Edelweiss,” “Going on Seventeen,” “Let it Go,” and “Coming Up Roses.” Do you know any of these songs? They are well-known film scores that led to the success of their respective films. Music plays an important role in movies, evoking a range of different emotions and conveying their central messages. Music is central to many of our lives as well as to the film making process. It is quite difficult to imagine a movie without music.
Different music illustrates the feelings and thoughts of the characters in films. Many well-known movies these days have become especially famous and recognized for their soundtracks. A great example is the recent movie, “Begin Again.” Some people who have watched the film say that they listen to the songs almost every day. Music expresses different emotions and sentiments of the characters, and having appealing music can make a movie successful in the film industry. Soundtrack has a significant impact on the films as it enables people to picture each scene and remember it for a long time.
Background music also guides people as to how they should feel and react to the films; it presents viewers a greater understanding of the movies. For instance, creepy music from a horror film makes people feel much more scared and frightened. A romantic love song creates feelings of sentimentality.
Music not only delivers emotions and messages, but also helps people better understand the movies; it is not simply the background music. Thus, we could sometimes make the effort to listen and think about how it tries to benefit us.

Staff writer Sue Yeon Cho.

How to Dress Professionally at Work

Dress code based on T.P.O (time, place, and occasion) is very important, especially when you start to enter the business world and work in an office. You need to consider your outfits depending on different situations such as when you interview and when you’re on the job or hosting or attending professional events. You need to give your best impression because what you wear can determine how people view you. In order to know how to dress professionally, it is necessary to understand three types of business attire.
     1) Business Professional
This is the most conservative type of attire and what you will wear to the office most days. These types of suits do not mean that you need to buy the best suits and shoes. Women can wear a business suit, a blazer with pants or skirt, or a dress with heels. Men can wear a business suit or a blazer with pants and a tie.
  • Career examples: Finance, accounting, and organizations with strict dress code policies will usually require business professional.

     2) Business Casual
Compared to “Business Professional,” this is a more relaxed type of attire. You don’t need to wear a suit at work, but this doesn't mean that you can dress casually. “Business casual” is suitable for working in a semi-conservative office and for certain events. Women can wear a collared shirt or sweater, khakis with dress pants and dress shoes or boots. Woman may also wear a knee-length dress or skirt. For men, this category includes a polo shirt, collared shirt or sweater, khakis or dress pants and dress shoes. Neckties are not required.

     3) Campus Casual
You will not usually wear clothes in this category at work. It includes clothes you wear every day such as T-shirts, jeans and sneakers. Sometimes you can wear “Campus Casual” to informal interviews, career days, and casual events. Generally, however, you would not wear in the workplace and for workplace related functions.

There will be times that you just don’t know what to wear. The best thing to do in these cases is to ask the person who is hosting an event. If you really can’t ask, it is better to dress too formally than too informally.

Staff writer Bo-Yeon Cho.


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