Thursday, September 29, 2011

Cheers to Our Proud Athletes

The Woosong annual soccer contest is taking place this September. The winner will be decided through a tournament style system with open starting rounds, a final 16, quarter-finals, semi-finals and lastly the final match. The contest will last all month and there is a one million won prize money up for grabs. The quarterfinals will be on September 7th and 8th and the final will take place on September 30th at the Woosong Festival.

This along with the Fall Festival is one the largest activities at Woosong because all departments participate in this contest. While the boys sweat and play for passion, girls are often found cheering them on. All players need the continued support of the fans.

Hopefully soon we will see the start of the girls' contests. It would be great to see the girls play with the same passion that the boys play. This way virtually all students can participate in this contest. Best of luck to all competitors!

Hye In Lim is currently a Woosong Student 


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