Thursday, December 27, 2012

Model UN held at Woosong University!

modelun The 18th National Model United Nations Conference (MUN) was held at Woosong University on July 4th through the 7th, in 2012. This contest began in 1995. The United Nations Association of the Republic of Korea (UNROK) hosts it and it is supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MOFAT). The conference has provided university students with direct experience for international cooperation and diplomacy negotiation.

This year’s contest had 459 participants from 66 universities. It was comprised of 4 committees: participants on committees 1 and 2 had to speak in English whereas participants on committees 3 and 4 could speak in Korean. Competitors, representing different nations, on each committee were selected by a random draw. The topics for MUN were divided into the four committees in the following way:

  • Committee 1: “Global Efforts to Counter Nuclear Terrorism and Strengthen Nuclear Security”
  • Committee 2: “Global Efforts to Protect the Basic Human Rights of Migrant Workers”
  • Committee 3: “Global Efforts to Address the Challenges and Threats in Cyber-space”
  • Committee 4: “New International Development Goals and Framework Beyond MDGs and Post-2015”

Each committee announced a resolution after thorough discussion and argument.

United_NationsThe judges of the contest were comprised of former ambassadors and MOFAT officials. They inspected all formal conferences and evaluated the work of each committee. Then they awarded the highest first prize (MOFAT Minister’s Award), a grand prize (KOICA Director’s Award), an excellence prize (UNA president’s Award), a participation prize (UNA president’s Award), and an encouragement prize (WSU president’s Award). The highest first prize winners were granted a visit to a conference about the United Nations as a supplementary prize.

Woosong University president John E. Endicott said, “WSU went one step further to become a specialized university of Asia due to the 18th National MUN” and that, “contestants protected the welfare of their states and progressed to an intense debate with negotiation for achieving the universal goals of the UN. So, they’re going to reconsider the importance of international cooperation.” President Endicott also said, “I want all of the participants to do their best to remember this well.’’

Staff writer Cho Wonha.


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