There are three gyms at Woosong University- the East campus, West campus and Solbridge.
However, Sol Sporex in Solbridge is considered the best gym at Woosong. Their motto is “We are doing together to care for our city's well-being life”. They provide many Daejeonites- and students an opportunity to a break from their busy lives and re-energize. Sol Sporex offers many facilities and fitness programs: a swimming pool, fitness center, sauna and group exercise- including yoga and aerobics. These programs are very popular among gym members. But if you don’t feel like exercising, the sauna, one of the more popular amenities at the gym, may work for you.
Sol Sporex has many specialists on hand to assist members with all its different programs. And if you have never worked out in your life, no problem- everyone has to start somewhere. “When I was young, my body was very weak and thin. But I did exercise; my body changed, I got healthier and gained confidence,” said Seung Hun Ryu, a Sol Sporex trainer. “So I work to help those who have had the same worries as I did.”
Some might consider other fitness clubs around Daejeon, but Woosong students find comfort in working out close to home. “I think the swimming pool is very good because it’s always clean with natural sunlight,” said an anonymous Woosong Freshman. “They have all different kinds of exercise equipment but not enough for all muscle-parts. One suggestion: “I know that Sports and Fitness management department students intern here. I hope they can be more kind to people who come to Sol Sporex for the first time.”
Sol Sporex's service hours vary each day.
On weekdays and Saturday, open 6 A.M. - 10 P.M. On Sunday and national holidays, open 6 A.M. - 7 P.M. And they are closed every 2nd and 4th Monday each month. For more information visit
Staff writers Park Hui Je and Han Ki Tae.
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