What is sexism? Sexism, also known as gender discrimination or sex discrimination, is defined as prejudice or discrimination based on sex; or conditions or attitudes that foster stereotypes of social roles based on sex (Wikipedia). Sexism is always an issue.
As Korean society has changed, people’s perceptions have improved. However, sexism still remains a problem. For example, Korea public institutions such as government, schools and companies have high-ranking positions filled mostly by men. Also, in the mass media, especially in movies, women are often described as a temptress, using their beauty or sexuality not their intelligence or ability. We can find those situations in our real life.
When women have a job interview, they are judged by appearance more so than men. For instance, even though a woman has a high ability and advanced potential, if she is ugly or fat, then usually employers do not hire her. Or even if she was hired, it is difficult for her to receive a promotion. Naturally, this kind of discrimination happens more to women than it is does to men.
Recently, I found when seeking for a job as a convenience store employee working the night shift, an employer wanted only men. Do you know why? Because they think that women are placed in a dangerous situation to work at night. But night shift does not require only strength. Instead of strength, women have strong minds and wisdom to solve any situations. Likewise, men have their abilities and women have their strong points.
As a woman who lives in Korea, I am worried about these discriminative circumstances continuing. I am also sorry that people do not look on women’s real values. In Korea, we have many successful women in different professions, but it is hard to see and hear their information because mass media is not announcing it very much. I hope that popularizing the idea of both men and women more equally could change people’s perceptions and make it so that discrimination does not happen anymore.
Staff writer Shin Hye Kyung is currently a Woosong University student majoring in Nursing Science.
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