In May students from Woosong and other Korean universities took time off from their busy schedules to promote peace and understanding. The members of UNIPEACE, an intercollegiate peace-making club, presented a poster exhibition which was touring more than 100 Universities in Korea during the month. The Daejeon chapter of the club went to KAIST, Chungnam, Hanbat, and Daejeon Universities.
For 15 years, UNIPEACE has involved students in promoting a peaceful society through poster exhibition and presentation campaigns. The theme of May's exhibition was Empathy, or 'Dong-go' in Korean. The exhibition consisted of 7 large-size posters and a message board for visitors to share their responses. The posters were educational. According to one, the root of empathy lies in part of the brain called Mirror Neurons. Another presented methods for reducing school violence.
A translation of one anonymous message on the visitor’s board read, “This is a good exhibition for people living in a society like ours with so little sympathy.”
Staff writer Kim HyoJun is currently a Woosong University student majoring in English.
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