Thursday, May 31, 2012

Woosong Library's Renovation

On March 19, 2012 Woosong library was opened after its renovation. Before the renovation, students were studying on the 6th floor. Originally, the 6th floor was the data reading room. However, during renovations, the 6th floor was temporarily changed to a study hall.

Due to the renovations, the library now has many improvements. For example, on the 4th floor, in the study hall, there are many tables and chairs replaced with new ones. Also, the 3rd floor now has many tables, with electrical sockets after its change into the digital data reading room, notebook zone. The multiplex room has TVs and sofas, so you can watch DVDs anytime you want. In the Digital zone, you can use the state-of-the-art computers for your assignments. There are two group study rooms. If you want to use it for your group work, you should reserve the room at least two hours before your group meets, and you should have at least five members in your group.

One of the biggest changes is the library's usage system. Starting 2012.5.21(Mon) the library will run on a reserved seat system. The trial run period is 2012. 4. 30(Mon) - 5. 20(Sun). Automatic seat dispensers are located on the 1st floor lobby center; in the 3rd floor digital data reading room (east side), and in the 4th floor general reading room (east side). Once you have a seat reserved, you can use your seat for up to three hours. You can extend your time four times at most. To reserve your seat, you need your student ID or reading permission certificate. You can get more information about student ID or reading permission certificate from Woosong university student welfare facilities at 630-9876.

I had an interview with one of the students, Jeong Im Jang(22). She usually spends 4 - 5 hours in the library on weekdays. She said, “The library was remodeled so now there are new chairs and tables. It makes more studiable surrounding for study. Two things what I most like about this remodeling are that I can use computer in the Digital zone and I can watch movies with my friends in the Multiplex. I already watched the movie with my friends when the time in-between classes. There is one thing that I think it’s unnecessary is the designated seat system. I always spend time more than 3 hours when I’m in the library but always I have to extend my time. And most people do not follow this system and just sit anywhere they want.”

Staff writer Min JuJeong is currently a Woosong University student majoring in Nursing.


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